Therapy that puts you first.
Registered Psychotherapist specializing in Integrative Psychotherapy, EMDR, Brainspotting, Mindfulness, Trauma Informed Care, and Safe and Sound Protocol.
Therapy that puts you first.
Registered Psychotherapist specializing in Integrative Psychotherapy, EMDR, Brainspotting, Mindfulness, Trauma Informed Care, and Safe and Sound Protocol.
Feeling stuck, struggling with stress or having relationship issues?
Experiencing mental health symptoms such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, eating disorders, suicidal ideation or self-harm?
Recovering from trauma (recent or long-standing)?
Register as a new client here, sign my Informed Consent form and book your virtual consultation.
Complete your online Intake Assessment prior to your first session located in “documents” in your portal.
Make payment prior to our meeting and get ready to start your counselling journey.
My goal is to help you thrive!
I believe we can always grow and expand, and the same techniques that help the brain heal from stress and trauma can also be utilized to propel you forward into being the person you really know you can be, and live the life you want to live.
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